Headquarters: Eugene, Oregon

Located near the confluence of the McKenzie and Willamette Rivers, Eugene is the main metropolis of the southern Willamette Valley. Acoustic Sciences Corporation operates out of a single facility, which includes a 10,000 sq foot shop, a testing room, and sales and engineering offices. After many years of making due with smaller/ less technologically advanced facilities, in 1998, ASC upgraded and has not looked back.
The large, open high bay factory is loosely divided into seven areas; Raw materials inventory, Fabrication, Finishing, Painting, Custom Shop, Archives and Shipping. Because of the need to remain flexible enough for short-run, specialty production lines, we frequently operate on a JIT system, where the only work on the floor is quickly moving through its stages of fabrication and finishing and the only product storage area is for finished and packaged products. We do maintain small inventories of commonly used parts in the assembly area and fabric rolls in finishing, and have recently begun maintaining ready-to-finish inventory of StudioTraps, MonitorStands, and IsoThermal TubeTraps due to their high demand and broad appeal.
We have a central dust collection system, central heat for the shop and skylights. Our paint booth is large, 20 by 40 feet and it is divided into two separate paint areas so different projects can be prepped and painted at the same time without concern for overspray. It is also fit with skylights. The entire facility has a new membrane roof.
We primarily work with wood and fiberglass in the fabrication shop. No raw fiberglass is allowed into the finishing area prior to receiving a full micro-mesh wrap to contain any and all fibers. The small size of fiberglass particles (7-9 microns) allows for its aggressive sound absorption, but also requires that a properly specified material is used to contain the fibers. Simple fabric is not good enough; when it comes to the health of our customers and their families, we spare no expense.
We work with outside vendors for CNC, welding, powder coating, and sheet metal work. Our cutting processes are chosen primarily to keep the amount of airborne fibers to a minimum. Although high-speed blades may cut slightly faster, hand-powered saws are just as accurate and kick up virtually no dust or fibers. The health of our employees and community are of utmost importance. ASC's attention to minimizing industrial impact on the environment was recognized in 2015 when a "No Exposure Certification" was awarded by the DEQ subsequent to a thorough analysis of ASC's lack of contributing pollutants to local waterways.
ASC manufacturers everything it supplies to the customers in its factory. We do not consign the manufacturing of our products out of the country, and every item receives ASC quality control prior to packing and shipment. Everything we do is 100% made in Eugene. Nearly all the raw materials we use are also made in the USA; one proud example is Guilford of Maine fabric, which provides manufacturing jobs in Michigan, Maine, and North Carolina - while making acoustic fabric from recycled soda bottles!
In addition to the factory we have an acoustic test room and an adjacent test equipment room. The bigger room is frequently used for in-house reverberation testing during product development and prior to shipment of custom items. Load a carpet and speakers and our inventory of house acoustics into the room and the room is transformed into a 2C3D audiophile listening room. Load in the requisite 20 StudioTraps and MonitorStands, and we now have a Mastering Suite. Arrange those same StudioTraps into small groups (QuickSound Fields) and invite your favorite five musicans for a live recording session.. We also use it for testing mufflers and other noise control or transmission reduction products in development. We have numerous pieces of audio testing equipment, digital sound management programs, copiers and two plotters, one for research and a large one architectural plan sets and presentation drawings.
We have off street parking for employees and visitors. Because most of our work is out-of-state and frequently out-of-country we normally get very few visitors. However, a few times each year a loyal old time TubeTrapper will finally make their journey to the home of
TubeTraps. Here they are welcomed, get to meet the people who they have been working with for so long and they get to take a grand shop tour to see where all the magic is created. But, if you hear some odd bass sounds rapidly turning on and off through the walls near the finishing area, don't worry, that is not our torture chamber; we are just testing the latest modified iteration of the classic TubeTrap to see how much we can absorb at 25 Hz.