MATT Test Analysis



Are you ready to see how your room stacks up?

Download the MATT test and record it in your listening room or studio.

Send this over to our engineers and we will analyze the test to help you better understand your room's dynamic capabilities.

$50 + $25 per additional test (recording)

Provide us with a recording of the MATT Test in your room and we'll take it from there.

Test Procedure

The diagram illustrates a typical MATT recording set-up.

ASC engineers will process your MATT recording and provide a PDF showing the test results.

  • No gain control or equalization should be used.
  • Use an omni-directional microphone with a flat frequency response and place at the listening position.
  • Record onto digital media
  • Label the media before it is sent to ASC for processing.  Email the file directly or upload to any online file storage and share a link with us.
  • You will be contacted by one of our technicians with contact information, including an email address to send the file or link


  • A sketch and photos showing the test set-up would also be helpful.
Full Details

Visit our main website for full details and an in depth discussion of our analysis process